Advanced accordion


Error message

Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 5863 of 11211 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1255 of /srv/mosaic/docroot/includes/

Advanced accordion - standard width

Expand All

Widget settings

Widget title Advanced accordion - standard width
Section 1 title Site settings
Section 1 content Grid widget
Section 2 title Page configuration
Section 2 content List widget; Image gallery (advanced) widget
Section 3 title Widgets
Section 3 content Carousel widget
Show expand all link on
Top margin off
Bottom margin on
Widget width Standard

Advanced accordion - full width

Widget settings

Widget title Advanced accordion - full width
Section 1 title Site settings
Section 1 content Grid widget
Section 2 title Page configuration
Section 2 content List widget; Image gallery (advanced) widget
Section 3 title Widgets
Section 3 content Carousel widget
Show expand all link off
Top margin on
Bottom margin off
Widget width Full

Advanced accordion - narrow width

Widget settings

Widget title Advanced accordion - narrow width
Section 1 title Site settings
Section 1 content Grid widget
Section 2 title Page configuration
Section 2 content List widget; Image gallery (advanced) widget
Section 3 title Widgets
Section 3 content Carousel widget
Show expand all link off
Top margin on
Bottom margin on
Widget width Narrow