

Error message

Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 5863 of 11211 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1255 of /srv/mosaic/docroot/includes/

Affiliate logos

Affiliate logos enable Site Owners/Administrators to display a set of logos of affiliated organisations, funders, etc. in the site's Footer, with the option to link each logo to the relevant website. The Affiliate logo region can be placed above or below your site's footer.

affiliate logos above footer

Affiliate logos above the footer


affiliate logos below footer

Affiliate logos below the footer


There are five five footer layouts available, each divided into two rows. 


footer layouts

The five footer layouts


footer layout fourcol zoology

Footer layout - four columns, Zoology department website.


footerlayout two col wideleft cgis

The CGIS site - two column, wide left footer layout

footer layout threecol wide centre itserv projects

The IT Services Projects site uses the three column, wide centre footer layout

Two fullwidth rows footer layout

The Ashmolean Museum Footer uses the Two fullwidth rows layout, with a four-column WYSIWYG layout in the top row.


You can include more than just text in your Footer, you can place widget in a Footer region just as you would in a page:

footer widget grid digital education

The Digital Education @ Oxford site includes a Grid widget in the footer.


footer mandatory content core

The CORe website only have the mandatory content widget in their footer

Powered by Mosaic

All Mosaic websites have a small Powered by Mosaic icon included at the bottom of their Footer.

powered by region

The powered by region included at the bottom of all Mosaic sites

Background images

Background images can be placed in the Footer in order to provide visual interest. The Botanic Garden and Artboretum site has a background image in the Footer:

footer bg obga

As these background images will be overlayed by textual content, consideration needs to be given to the legibility of the text.  To ensure text legibility, we recommend that you:

  1. Use images that are predominantly the same tone (i.e. mostly dark or most light)
  2. Use images that are either mostly dark or mostly light (avoid images which are mostly mid-tone)
  3. Set the text colour of the text appropriately (i.e. very dark text on a light image, or very light text on a dark image)
  4. Once in place, review your background image / text colour combination to assess the legibility