Colour configuration


Error message

Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 5863 of 11211 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1255 of /srv/mosaic/docroot/includes/

Mosaic Colour Configuration allows Site Owners to configure text/background colour pairings for various site elements. All text/background colour pairings are checked for suitable contrast against WCAG Accessibility Guidelines. All pairing contrasts must at least meet AA level contrast, with values below AAA standard triggering a warning.


colour config insis

The Insis site header, with topbar, branding and navigation regions all set to the same strong yellow background colour.


colour config philosophy

The Philosophy website site header, the topbar region has a pale green background, the branding and navigation regions set to a darker green background with white text.


colour config research support tile text box

The Research support website uses white text on a dark blue background for the text boxes of its tile item styles, used here in Carousel widget.


colour config history infobox

The history website uses white text on a dark teal background for infoboxes on its items styles.

For more details on how to manage the colour settings, please see our Mosaic documentation on colour management.